Monday, December 26, 2011

In Need of a Little Exercise Please....

I definitely over did it this year with the whole "Holiday Eating" activity.  (By the way, my son is insisting that I type this blog entry while I wear 3D glasses, needless to say, I am going to have a headache after this is post is submitted.) I feel as though I am to pop if someone would take a sharp pointy tool to my abdomen area. That may give some relief to this horrible satisfaction of my stomach being 120% full right now.  Thankfully I was blessed with family that knows and understands how to make me feel included in festivities while being gluten free.  You can overdo it on a gluten free diet-if you don't believe me, just come a take a look at the 30 pounds I have gained over the weekend (ok, I exaggerate a little, but it feels like it!)  Oh my...thankfully, through my husbands company, we are now enrolled in Virgin HealthMiles, which gives us a pedometer and we can track our daily steps.  I can then upload those miles from the pedometer via USB into the computer software and we get more extra $ towards our health savings account.  I thankfully received that pedometer in the mail the other day, just in time for me to start walking off these one million calories that I ingested over the weekend. I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday :)

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